FVWM: Losing keybindings

From: Rick Koole <koole_at_ricardis.tudelft.nl>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 21:19:05 +0200 (CEST)

I'm using a standard winblows comaptible keyboard, having mapped my two
windows keys using xmodmap with the following config

keycode 115 = Hyper_L
keycode 116 = Hyper_R
clear Mod4
add Mod4 = 0xFFED 0xFFEE

I'm using key combinations with the windows keys to do windowplacement,
desktopswitching and related stuff which works fine when I've just started
X. However after a random time these keybindings just stop working... I
can't find any regularity in the behavior of the keybindings, whenever
they stop, and I press e.g. windows + j , it prints a 'j' in my terminal
instead of switching windows.

Any clues on this one? fvwm (2.4.8) just doesn't seem to recognize those
keybindings after a while.

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