FVWM: Wait comand behaviour changed

From: John Latham <jtl_at_cs.man.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 18:24:58 +0100

This is not actually an undocumented feature change, but it is understated!

Fvwm 2.2.4 man page says: ``Fvwm remains fully functional during a wait.''

Fvwm 2.4.8 man page says ``Fvwm remains partially functional during a wait.''

I spotted the one word difference after a few hours tracking down the cause of
a very strange behaviour. Presumeably, you have optimised away some threads
that had a memory/CPU overhead, and perhaps never imagined anybody would be
using Wait in a clever (=stupid!) way.

Alas, in AnotherLevelUp I was using Wait in a multi-threaded way, waiting for
an effect from a form which prompts the user to save his/her current
preferences, if they have been changed since last saved; when he/she asks for
a new set of preferences to be loaded. So we had a Wait active at the same
time as a form that needed user interaction. In 2.4 this does not work as all
the window events seem to be disabled during a Wait, all mouse clicks act on
the root window only.

It probably serves me right! I have rewritten it to work in a different, and
single threaded, way.

Is it worth writing some hints in the man page indicating what sort of things
do not work during a Wait -- or am I likely to be the only person daft enough
to try abusing Wait in this way? :-)

Best wishes, John Latham
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