FVWM: this morning's fvwmrc hack - menus matching key ops

From: Cameron Simpson <cs_at_zip.com.au>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 11:40:39 +1000

Perhaps I have a poor attention span, but I've long had a problem with
keeping my key mappings and functions-present-in-menus in sync; I would
generally like to be able to do most things with a keystroke, and would
still like every such action available in a menu if brain fade prevents
me remembering the magic keystoke.

Thus today's exercise. Two functions, KeyFn and MouseFn to set a key or
mouse mapping and also record it in a menu:

        # KeyFn menu desc keyname context mods "cmd-and-args"
        DestroyFunc KeyFn
        AddToFunc KeyFn "I" Key $2 $3 $4 $5
        + "I" AddToMenu $0 "$1" $5

        # MouseFn menu desc button context mods "cmd-and-args"
        DestroyFunc MouseFn
        AddToFunc MouseFn "I" Mouse $2 $3 $4 $5
        + "I" AddToMenu $0 "$1" $5

Now my menu definitions are a bit wordier, but nothing will
slip through the cracks:

        DestroyMenu WinOps
        AddToMenu WinOps "Window Ops" Title
        KeyFn WinOps "Desk Windows" L A M "WindowList (CurrentDesk) Alphabetic SelectOnRelease
        KeyFn WinOps "Raise" H W CS "Raise"
        KeyFn WinOps "Lower" H W CS "Lower"
        MouseFn WinOps "Resize" 1 W M "Resize"
        MouseFn WinOps "Move" 2 W M "Move"
        Mouse 3 W M Move

Remark on that last: I often have mouse 3 do what mouse 2 does because I
switch keyboards a lot. So one incantation for M2 to put it in the menu,
and a conventional binding for M3 to match.

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        cs_at_zip.com.au    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/
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