FVWM: Re: FVWM and focusing

From: Dominik Vogt <fvwm_at_fvwm.org>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 11:34:10 +0200

On Sat, Aug 03, 2002 at 04:51:49AM -0400, Bob Krovetz wrote:
> Hi. It looks like you are one of the developers for FVWM. I signed
> onto the mailing list a few weeks ago, and submitted a question about
> a difference between fvwm-1 and fvwm-2.

You probably missed the answer to your question (see below). I
prefer to get all mail over the mailing lists.

> In fvwm-1, I could click on
> a window in the pager and it would automatically get focus. This
> behavior is changed in fvwm-2, and I now have to click once in the
> pager and then again on the window. It was suggested that I use
> sloppyfocus in the pager, but that isn't exactly what I want, and
> when I tried it, it didn't work. I am currently out of town, so
> I can't experiment that much.

With the pager that comes with fvwm-2.x, clicking with the middle
mouse button on a window gives it focus. So you need to click
twice to get the effect you want.

> But I am just wondering why the behavior was changed,

I have no idea. This change was made before I began working on
fvwm more than four years ago. But as a developer I appreciate
this much: I sometimes have to focus a window on a different

> and if there are any plans to get the behavior I would like.

There are very vague plans to implement configurable actions in
the pager, but they are so far down on the priority list that it
may take years before the work is done.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt, mail: dominik.vogt_at_schlund.de, phone: 0721/91374-382
Schlund + Partner AG, Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, D-76133 Karlsruhe
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Received on Mon Aug 05 2002 - 04:35:28 BST

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