FVWM: fvwm-2.5.2: FvwmButtons and swallowed wmaker Applets

From: Erwin Burgstaller <ber_at_knapp.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 15:03:13 +0200


I've switched from fvwm 2.4.8 to 2.5.2 without any modifications on my
fvwmrc-files. Xmms no doesn't hide anymore, so I'm happy.

But there's one point I'd like to have in 2.4.8 style: I have some
wmaker and gnome dockable app's in FvwmButton (wmbiff,gabber,..).
In version 2.4.8 'Action(Mouse 1)' was only executed when pressing the
buttons border, 2.5.2 excutes it for the whole button. Am I right?

Is there a way to have v2.5.2 configured to behave like v2.4.8?
In the meantime I have changed all 'Mouse 1' to 'Mouse 2', but now it's
not like a real wmaker applet.


*WinMakerAppButtons: (Frame 1, Size 64 64, \
                     Swallow "wmbiff" 'Exec exec wmbiff', Action(Mouse 1) \
   'MyPanelButtons "WinMakerAppPanelMail" $right $top', \
   Action(Mouse 3) 'All (WinMakerAppPanelMail) Close')

# The Mail Panel
*WinMakerAppPanelMail: Rows 1
*WinMakerAppPanelMail: Back #c0c0c0
*WinMakerAppPanelMail: Fore black
*WinMakerAppPanelMail: (Frame 1, Size 64 64, \
    Swallow "wmCalClock" 'Exec exec wmCalClock')
#*WinMakerAppPanelMail: (Frame 1, Size 64 64, \
# Swallow "wmglobe" 'Exec exec wmglobe')
*WinMakerAppPanelMail: (Frame 1, Size 64 64, \
    Swallow "wmMoonClock" 'Exec exec wmMoonClock -lat 47.33 -lon

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