FVWM: FvwmTaskBar: Colors and button press event

From: Felix Kater <f.kater_at_gmx.net>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:28:25 +0200


this is my first posting to this list and I hope I am right to ask
questions about Fvwm2 and FvwmTaskBar here. :-)

Two questions about FvwmTaskBar:

When a Window is deactivated or minimized the taskbar button of this
window is pushed out. That's ok. However, I the case that the window is
minimized the task bar button also changes its background color to
white! How can I change that? This seems to have nothing to do with the
attributes 'Fore', 'Back', 'Hilight', ...

If you click to the screen then the root menu pops up right when you
push down the mouse button. So, you can then just move the mouse
(holding the mouse button down) and trigger the event with releasing the
mouse button. However, you can't do that with the start button of the
taskbar. Here the menu is shown only if you click-and-release the mouse
button and later click again on an item. So you click two times. Is
there a way to popup the start command menu right with the 'mouse down'
event and not 'mouse click'?

Thank You

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Received on Mon Jul 22 2002 - 04:29:10 BST

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