FVWM: window resizing - How to get standard behavior?

From: Hans-Georg Beyer <beyer_at_gips.cs.uni-dortmund.de>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 12:06:04 +0200

Hi All,

Changing to SuSE 8.0 Linux, the default resizing behavior as described
in man fvwm2:

       Unless the standard defaults files are modified, pressing
       mouse button 1 in the title or side-bars begins a move
       operation on the window. Pressing button 1 in the corner
       frame pieces begins a resize operation. Pressing button 2

has changed, i.e.: windows are not moved when pressing mouse button 1
in the side-bars, but resizing starts. I want to have the standard
behavior (i.e., move the window, resizing only when in the corner
frame pieces). How do I get this using my .fvwm2rc config file?

Please help!
Thanks in advance!


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