Re: FVWM: Automatically raise certain windows on mouse enter, flickering of windows and widgets

From: Rob 'Feztaa' Park <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 21:02:55 -0600

Alas! Dominik Vogt spake thus:
> Er, first you say that "it works the way I want it" and a few
> lines further down "So unless ... I will not have it the way I
> want"? So is the behaviour of -menter what you want or isn't it?
> Automatic lowering when entering the root window can be disabled
> by checking if the passed id is that of a real window or not (in
> other words: in the called functions without any changes to
> FvwmAuto).

My interpretation is that he is satisfied with the current behaviour,
but believes that the documentation is not consistent with the behaviour
(whether or not this is true I have no idea), and is afraid that you
will change the behaviour to match the documentation, at which point it
will no longer behave the way he likes it. And when you "fix" it (to
match the documentation), he wants you to add an option to let him
change back to the current behavior.

But I could be wrong.

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
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