Re: FVWM: fvwm.vim: Vim syntax highlighting file ready for testing.

From: Rob 'Feztaa' Park <>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 08:47:47 -0600

Alas! Mikhael Goikhman spake thus:
> On 09 Jul 2002 07:23:54 -0600, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> >
> > Uh, yeah... I based it on the manpage for 2.5.2. I highly doubt that
> > much has changed between 2.5.2 and today's CVS. Unless you're using
> > 2.4.8 and there are some /Old/ commands that I didn't include.
> >
> > My best guess here is that the default fvwm.vim that comes with vim (the
> > crappy one) is overriding your ~/.vim one.
> You are right, I didn't though I already have one fvwm.vim. :)

Whew, I'm glad the problem was that simple ;)

> It is much better now.


> There are small glitches:
> * Back ticks may be used for quotes too.
> * Variable matching (following the dollar) is incorrect, it should be
> either one strictly defined char (not \w), digit, asterisk or dot,
> or several \w and dots in square brackets [].
> * ModuleSynchronous should behave like Module.
> * Module aliases (after asterisk) may contain dash, dot and slash.

These errors are to be expected, as I don't have any of these in my own
fvwmrc ;)

I'm looking at some of the config files from fvwm-themes, and everything
is slowly getting better and more accurate.

Question: For variables, can they be uppercase as well? like $C or
$[FOO]. I'm not sure on this. The manpage doesn't say they can't, but as
far as I can see, it doesn't show any that are.

> There are more things to be highlighted, but nothing critical.
> Seems like a good work.

Thanks, it's getting better. Just wait until it's finished ;)

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"A common trait of many of the companies that failed is that they
gave away for free or at a loss the very thing they produced that
was of greatest value - in the hope they'd somehow make money selling
something else."
    -- Microsoft, presumably not referring to Internet Explorer.
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