Re: FVWM: Automatically raise certain windows on mouse enter, flickering of windows and widgets

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 16:30:42 +0200

On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 05:13:36PM +0300, Tom Alsberg wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 03:13:22PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > I can't remember exactly right now, but I think I posted a better
> > solution when I added the Schedule command. It boils down to
> > scheduling the raise lower commands instead of executing them
> > directly. When a command is finally executed, it cleans up the
> > schedule queue. This eliminates the race condition if done
> > correctly. Perhaps someone else can come up with a link to my
> > original post?
> I remember your last post then, and found it archived on the web at:
> At the end of that message, you noted that this race condition can be
> avoided using the new Schedule and Deschedule commands. Since then I
> have made various experiments and tried many possibilities with it
> (Schedule and Deschedule), and today I tried some more... But nothing
> seemed to work as I expect... Mostly it just got FVWM stuck (waiting
> for a click, with a cross-hair pointer) whenever entering a window
> which should be raised.
> You did not tell exactly how this can be solved with the Schedule and
> Deschedule commands. I have been struggling with it and for some
> reason just did not manage to get it right... Maybe I am missing
> something obvious... Could you please provide some example, or more
> detail on how exactly to do it?

Sure, just give me a little more time.

> I am using FVWM (2.5.3) from CVS, latest as for yesterday (last
> updated yesterday).

BTW, don't update to today's CVS - the code dumps core at startup.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt, mail:, phone: 0721/91374-382
Schlund + Partner AG, Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, D-76133 Karlsruhe
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