FVWM: MoveToPointer Function

From: S. Anderson <sa_at_xmission.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 17:00:53 -0600

Hi everyone,
with fvwm 2.5.2, I am trying to write a function that moves a window
to the mouse pointer location. This is what I have com up with so far:

 DestroyFunc MoveToPointer
 AddToFunc MoveToPointer
  + I echo $[pointer.x] $[pointer.y]
  + I All ($0) AnimatedMove $[pointer.x] $[pointer.y]

when I issue this:
 MoveToPointer Xmag

I get a:
    [FVWM][Echo]: 238 348
but the window is moved to +3046+3563

is this a bug?


P.S. heres some more...
[FVWM][Echo]: 271 741
xmag is moved to +3468+7587

[FVWM][Echo]: 0 0
xmag is moved to +0+0

[FVWM][Echo]: 10 10
xmag is moved to +128+102

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