Re: FVWM: lack of pager

From: Brian Postow <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 13:23:07 -0400

Mikhael Goikhman spake:
> Probably a problem with ModulePath. Can you run any module at all?
> For example, FvwmConsole or FvwmBanner.

Exactly. I just found the errors (.xsession-errors) and it says:

[FVWM][executeModule]: <<ERROR>> No such module 'FvwmPager' in
ModulePath '/usr/imports/fvwm2/libexec/fvwm/2.2.5:/usr/imports/fvwm/modules'

Ok, I'll track this down. thanks a lot.


More incoherent ramblings from:  Brian "Lizard Bench Mango" Postow ('94)
FOOBAR: Foo Of Oberlin Bygone Alumni Retirees   the foo, the proud: the Foo.
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