Re: FVWM: lack of pager

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 17:00:55 +0000

On 17 Jun 2002 11:26:15 -0400, Brian Postow wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting a pager to appear. I'm using a .fvwm2rc
> that has worked fine in previous versions of fvwm2, so I'm not sure
> what I'm doing wrong. I'm running a slightly old version of fvwm
> (2.2.5), but that shouldn't have any effect, unless there's a fixed
> bug that I don't know about.
> Here are the relevant parts of my .fvwm2rc:
> DeskTopSize 3x3

This is ok.

> DeskTopScale 32

You should see "No such command 'DeskTopScale'" error, don't you?
The correct syntax for 2.2.5 is:

  *FvwmPagerDeskTopScale 32

> Module FvwmPager * *

Running a module before defining its configuration is not good.
Modules should be started from StartFunction (works in 2.2.5).

> Function "InitFunction"
> Module FvwmPager * *
> # Exec "I" xsetroot -solid blue3
> EndFunction
> Function "RestartFunction"
> Module FvwmPager * *
> Exec "I" xsetroot -solid Green
> EndFunction

This is an old configuration of fvwm version 1. If you leave it as is, you
should see at least 3 errors on your standard error stream, don't you?

  No such command 'EndFunction'
  /bin/sh: "I": command not found
  No such command 'EndFunction'
You should also get 3 pagers running, don't you?

The correct syntax is:

  AddToFunc InitFunction
  + I Module FvwmPager * *
  + I Exec xsetroot -solid blue3

  AddToFunc RestartFunction
  + I Module FvwmPager * *
  + I Exec xsetroot -solid Green

or just:

  AddToFunc StartFunction
  + I Module FvwmPager * *
  + I Exec xsetroot -solid darkcyan

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