Re: FVWM: Window placement questions

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 15:42:32 +0000

On 03 Jun 2002 08:53:26 +0200, Uwe Pross wrote:
> is it possible to achieve that fvwm ignores certain windows completely
> while placing others?

Generally, no, it is not possible to make an individual window special.
But it may be possible in some specific setups, where you know that there
is only one sticky window, or one OnTop window and so on.

> I configured fvwm that it pops up a xmessage for 2 seconds when it
> starts a program to show that something is happen:
> AddToFunc FuncStartProgram I Exec echo Starting $0 $1 $2...>> /dev/console
> + I Exec xmessage -timeout 2 -button "" -name SplashWindow -geometry +0+0 "Starting $0 $1 $2..."
> + I Exec $*

Offtopic. I find xmessage very configurable for a splash. Try this:

  xmessage -g +0+0 -name SplashWindow -bg darkcyan -fg white -timeout 2 -button "" -xrm '*cursorName: none' -xrm '*borderWidth: 2' -xrm '*borderColor: yellow' -xrm '*Margin: 20' 'Starting app...'

> This "SplashWindow" should stay on top and it should be ignored by
> placement algorithm:
> Style "SplashWindow" NoTitle, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0, \
> StaysOnTop, Sticky, WindowListSkip, NeverFocus
> Is it possible to get this window ignored by while placing other
> windows?

There is PlacementOverlapPenalties Style option that enables to configure
how your window is placed (not how other windows are placed relatively to
that window). But if that SplashWindow is the only Sticky window, try:

  Style * MinOverlapPlacement, PlacementOverlapPenalties 1 5 1 0 0 50

Or if it is the only OnTop window, try:

  Style * MinOverlapPlacement, PlacementOverlapPenalties 1 0 1 1 0 50

Probably it makes sence to extend PlacementOverlapPenalties to get several
more arguments, for example 2 factors for State-0 and State-1 windows.
Each window has 32 boolean window properties (states) that a user may set.
I.e.: Next (SplashWindow) State 0 true
or even (not yet): Style SplashWindow State 0 true

Report your results if you succeed.

> The second question I have is also about window placement. I have
> asked this question before and it was said to be possible in version
> >2.5.x but I have not idea how to set this up.
> My desktop looks like this:
> +----------------+---+
> | | |
> | | |
> | | |
> | 1 | 2 |
> | | |
> | | |
> | | |
> +----------------+---+
> | 3 |
> +--------------------+
> Where 1 is the main area, 2 is a button bar and 3 is the taskbar. I
> would like to set up fvwm that is places new windows only in area 1.
> Any suggestions how to get this work?

Search for "strut" in the man page. Try:

  EWMHBaseStrut 0 62 0 63

You may do some additional work to have everything work as you want,
like placement, Maximize and so on. Report your results if you succeed.

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Received on Mon Jun 03 2002 - 10:43:36 BST

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