FVWM: Control + Left mouse kills application in Windows style.

From: subbiah .L <subbiah_l_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 21:01:22 +0530


I am using fvwm 2.4.3 with Windows 95 style settings given defaultly in the
fvwm2 itself. I am using ClickToFocus style. My Motif application is getting
killed if I press mouse left click while holding the Control key in pressed
condition. Any sepecific settings is needed to take care of this?. I have
given Delete respones to Ignore in my Motif application. Still this problem
is coming.

What could be the issue? Can any one help me?.

Thanks in Advance.

L. Subbiah

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Received on Thu May 16 2002 - 10:44:47 BST

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