Re: FVWM: How to have a title bar without any text in it?

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 17:06:16 +0000

On 18 Apr 2002 11:37:47 -0400, Francis Litterio wrote:
> I'm trying to configure FvwmButtons to have a title bar without the
> title string in it. I'm wondering if there's anything analagous to
> NoButton but which makes FVWM omit the text from a window's title bar?

1) It was already suggested to setup the same bg and fg colors for
the FvwmButtons window only.

2) Or define invisible font for the FvwmButtons title.

3) Or use an alias name "_".

4) It is also possible to patch FvwmButtons.c:

- myclasshints.res_name=safestrdup(MyName);
+ myclasshints.res_name=" ";

5) And finally, a trick that works, but don't tell anyone I suggested it,
it is more like a bug than a working solution. You _may_ have an alias
consisting of spaces only, say " ", but many operations will not work on
such alias, like killing a module by alias name using KillModule, sending
module commands using SendToModule. Even DestroyModuleConfig does not work
on such alias. As well as a non-conflicting module syntax using a colon.

  * Geometry 100x100-0+0
  * (1x1, Swallow XClock `Exec xclock`)

  Style " " Title, Sticky, CirculateSkip, WindowListSkip

  # start FvwmButtons using our "empty" alias
  FvwmButtons " "

This trick works now, but it may stop working in the future. Maybe in the
future it will be possible to filter a title text, so no tricks needed.

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