Re: FVWM: fvwm2rc + restart

From: Tim Downie <>
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 15:30:54 +0100

Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

>On 03 Apr 2002 08:43:12 +0200, szonyi calin wrote:
>>One of the annoing things of doing restart is that
>>fvwm allways seem to start on the firs page of the
>>desk and you have to change the desk (page) to get
>>back where you were before restart.
> Restart preserves the current page and desk. And many other global and
> window attributes like window shade-ness.
> You probably use "Restart --dont-preserve-state". Don't use this switch
> if you like to preserve the state before Restart.

I find the same problem as szonyi but I certainly don't use

I use
Restart fvwm2
enabled via pop up menus
and If I use
Restart --preserve-state
that doesn't help either.


Tim Downie
Dept. Statistical Science
University College London
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