Re: FVWM: fvwm2rc + restart

From: Uwe Pross <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 09:58:30 +0200

On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 03:42:25PM -0800, Perry Hutchison wrote:
> There a couple of practical concerns.
> * In order to do this, fvwm2 would have to periodically "stat" the
> .fvwm2rc file and check for the date and/or size having changed. If
> the stat were done only occasionally, there would be a delay between
> updating the file and the auto-restart. If done frequently, it
> would become a significant overhead in its own right.
> * How would you avoid a race condition, wherein fvwm2 sees the changed
> file and decides to restart halfway through a rewrite? Most text
> editors don't lock files while writing them.

How about adapting an editor for example (x)emacs that it restarts
fvwm2 after saving the file .fvwm2rc. In emacs there is a hook called
after-save-hook. It contains names of functions which will be executed
after a buffer has been saved. One could write a short lisp function
which checks the buffer name and executes "FvwmCommand 'Restart'" if
buffer name is .fvwm2rc.
One could also think about a mechanism which detects only the changes
in .fvwm2rc and decides if a restart is necessary or if the changes
can be directly piped to FvwmCommand. For example if only a key
binding has been changed it is sufficient to pipe only the the Key
command to FvwmCommand.

| Uwe Pross 
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