FVWM: FakeClick command / window placement

From: <uwe_at_gmx.net>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 09:48:06 +0100

Hi there,

Can fvwm simulate the press of mouse button 2 which inserts usually
the X-selection. I would like if the paste command which is bound to
button2 could be bound to a key combination as well. How about using
the FakeClick command for this problem? I just ask since the man page
says this command is for debugging purpose and may not work. Maybe
somebody has another idea to get this key binding done.

The second question is about window placement. On my desktop there is
a button bar on the right side and the task bar in the bottom. Both
are sticky. I use the MinOverlapPlacement style. Is it possible to
tell fvwm new placed windows should not overlap the button bar and
the task bar but may overlap any other window or that new windows
should be placed only in a given rectangle? Both would have the same

Thanks in advance.

| Uwe Pross
| mail : mailto:uwe.pross_at_gmx.net
| www  : http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~uwp
Have a nice day ;-).
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