FVWM: auto raising windows

From: David Fries <dfries_at_mail.win.org>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 19:19:29 -0600

I'm using 2.4.5 (I even used a cvs version from last week), and the
problem I'm seeing is when there is a dialog box (most noticeably kde
and open office), if I move the cursor into the main application's
window when either it or a the dialog box is obscured by another
window both pop to the foreground. In 2.2.5 the dialog box will come
to the foreground, but the main window won't. Is there any
configuration setting or way I can have that behavior back?

I think what I would really like is for the dialog box to be above its
main window (if I click on one to bring it to the foreground or
background), without anything automatically raising.

		|      David Fries                |
		|      dfries_at_mail.win.org        |
		| http://fries.net/~david/pgp.txt |

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