Re: FVWM: Isn't there a Next/Prev-like Circulate command?

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 09:19:18 +0100

On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 07:00:02PM -0800, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
> I've been a happy fvwm user for many years and have had only one
> persistent gripe about a seeming lack of a feature. I have Next and
> Prev assigned to keys, but I never remember where in the list I am (nor
> want to take the time to examine the WinList) so I hit the wrong Next or
> Prev key about half the time and wind up circulating to the wrong end of
> the list and then back to the proper window near the other end of the
> list.
> I would much prefer that Next and Prev not stop when they get to the end
> of the list, but continue at the other end.

That is exactly what Next and Prev do. The reason why they stop
circulating is that they hit a window that does not accept the
focus: e.g. if

  Next Focus

hits an xclock window, it tries to give it the focus, but xclock
never gets the focus, so you're stuck with the currently focused
window. There are several ways to prevent this situation. The
best solution is to explicitly tell the Next/prev command to
ignore such windows:

  # works in fvwm-2.4.1 and above (best solution)
  Next (AcceptsFocus) Focus

  # any 2.x version; may or may not work on specific windows
  Style <offending window name> Lenience

  # works in any 2.x version - window won't appear in the window
  # list or some of the modules
  Style <offending window name> WindowListSkip

> Is there some way to
> control that which I've missed? Or another command? Your "NEWS.html"
> page refers to a "Next, Circulate", commands, but I see no "Circulate"
> command

Oops, we internally call the Next and Prev commands (and a few
others that share the same code) "circulating commands". I should
have listed them all in the NEWS instead of mentioning a
"Circulate" command. My fault.

> in the manual page of my 2.4.5 version here and the command
> didn't work when I tried it.
> I'm not subscribed, so please keep me in your reply headers.

No problem. If you reply, please reply to the mailing list.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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