FVWM: Re: Question about fvwm history

From: John Shepard <nemo_at_visi.com>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 21:57:39 -0600

I agree with Dominik,finding out when and where FVWM first got its start would be
interesting. If I were to have asked the question of the list, I might have used
the very same wording Dominik did. When someone asks a clear question using
colloquial language, people shouldn't be deliberately obtuse in their
interpretation of it.

- John Shepard

>On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 10:46:07AM -0500, Dan Espen wrote:
>> Dominik Vogt <fvwm_at_fvwm.org> writes:
>> > Does anybody know the 'birthday' of fvwm (the first release date)?
>> Fvwm1 or Fvwm2?
>> If Fvwm2, the first beta, or the first official release?
>> The first official Fvwm2 release might be the easiest to track down.
>> The timestamps on the tar files might be the easiest thing to use.

>Well, I read about the 10th birthday of Samba and just wondered
>when fvwm's 10th birthday is. I didn't think about the definition
>of "birthday" :-) The date of the first release ever is good
>enough for me.


>Dominik ^_^ ^_^

>Dominik Vogt, email: d.vogt_at_lifebits.de
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Received on Sun Feb 24 2002 - 21:53:38 GMT

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