FVWM: Newbie problem with: AddToMenu Red_Hat_Linux "Programs" Title (in .fvwm2rc)

From: Paul Berry <pnberry_at_gustavus.ak.us>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 15:19:48 -1000

I'm new to this mailing list and I'm hoping this is where I go to help
resolve this problem that I have.
My system: RedHat 7.0 running on a 486 w/32MB RAM using the stock .fvwm2rc
file located in my home directory. My .xinitrc file simply says:

exec fvwm2

Fvwm2 starts up fine (and it is great for the old, limited RAM system that I
have), what happens is that when I right click the mouse and get the menu
window, the Programs entry is empty. Normaly there would be programs like
gnotepad+ and subdirectories like multimedia or internet but instead it is
empty. When I tried gnome as the desktop/ window manager et al, all the
Program entries are there so they are not absent from my system it is just
that I/ the configuration file doesn't know where they are.

The part of .fvwm2 that is giving me the problem is this one:

AddToMenu Red_Hat_Linux "Programs" Title
PipeRead "wmconfig --output fvwm2"

I get an error message (not literal but close)- sh: cannot find wmconfig
on the terminal screen that I started X windows with.

Any ideas? Thank you for your time.


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Received on Sat Feb 09 2002 - 19:20:09 GMT

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