Re: FVWM: facing problem in fvwm2.4.4

From: Srivathsa Rao U <>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 09:20:10 +0530

    thanx for your prompt reply.

nedit version - 5.1
I didnt downloaded nedit at the time of fvwm. It was there.
In my .Xdefault file i setted nedit geometry as - nedit*geometry: 85X40

    Attached is the gtar file contains following.
        file - junk --> a file with big memory. if I open this file in nedit im
getting problem.
        file - .fvwm2rc -> my fvwm settings.
        file - .nedit -> my nedit settings.

But size is changing only for the file conating big memory. why it is like that ?

pls update me ASAP

thanx & rgds

>Dominik Vogt wrote:
>We've heard this report once already but could not reproduce the
> problem. Please provide the following information.

> 1) Which nedit version do you have?
> 2) Did you upgrade nedit at the same time as fvwm?
> 3) Can you give me an example data file along with the .nedit
> file from your home directory? Please send these files not to
> the mailing list but directly to me - and make sure to
> compress teh data file aggressively, ("bzip2 -9" if possible,
> or "gzip --best").

> Regardless of these questions, you can try to force nedit to
> behave with several styles:

> Style nedit MaxWindowSize 100 100

> limits nedit windows to the actual screen size. Or if that
> does not suit your needs you could try

> Style nedit MaxWindowSize 753p 100

> 753 pixels is the default width of the nedit window for me. It
> may be different on your system, depending on font size and the
> width of the window borders. To find out the precise value, use
> "xwininfo" on the nedit window, add twice the size of the border
> to the number after "Width:" and use that instead.

> If using an alpha release is an option for you, you can also try
> out the 2.5.0 release (actually, it's much more stable than the
> term "alpha" suggests, but there are no guarantees). Using one of
> the styles

> Style nedit FixedPSize

> or

> Style nedit FixedUSSize

> may help. Note that you won't be able to resize the window
> manually if you use the second one.

> Bye

> Dominik ^_^ ^_^

John Latham wrote:

> > From: Dominik Vogt <>
> > To: Srivathsa Rao U <>, fvwm <>
> > Subject: Re: FVWM: facing problem in fvwm2.4.4
> > 1) Which nedit version do you have?
> > 2) Did you upgrade nedit at the same time as fvwm?
> This might help. In nedit 5.0 (and prior) geometries were expressed in pixels.
> In nedit 5.1, geometries are expressed as columns and rows!!!! You can imagine
> the horrible effect for anyone with geometry specs in their WM configs!
> John Latham

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