Re: FVWM: best way to install fvwm for one user only?

From: Walter Dnes <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 04:32:11 -0500

  My apologies if this goes out twice. I think my original reply only
went out to tenebrae.

On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 06:37:50AM -0800, Tenebrae wrote

> <OT>
> Good thing, too, since all the usual Lazy Admin config tools I was used to
> using only seem to be available in the Gnome menus and RedHate's docs
> doesn't see fit to mention them by command line option...Grrr.
> </OT>

  Actually, this could be very much on topic. Gnome and KDE apps seem
to have an associated *.desktop file, sort of like a Windows .PIF file.
If you execute "find / -iname *.desktop > x" you'll end up with a whole
bunch of files in the list. One example is the serviceconf.desktop file

[root_at_localhost root]# cat /etc/X11/applnk/System/serviceconf.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Service Configuration
Comment=Configure which services will be running when the system starts

  The "Exec=" gives the name of the executable. Type the command
/usr/bin/serviceconf from a terminal in an X window, and serviceconf
comes up (asking for root password). Answer, and it runs. What would
be *REALLY* nice would be a script to list off the files, and parse
them for "Name=", "Icon=", and "Exec=", and then pipe commands to build
a menu on-the-fly.

  Oh... hello everybody. I've been using FVWM2 for awhile, but I'm
still not very much past the newbie stage with it. I'm running Redhat
7.2 on a 450 mhz Dell with 128 megs of RAM. The latest versions of KDE
and Gnome find this a bit underpowered, and 7.1 wasn't much better.
That was what pushed me to FVWM2. A pleasant side-effect is the ability
to customize my desktop. I've got a minimalist approach with
FvwmIconMan on the bottom left and a modified FvwmButtons on the bottom

Walter Dnes <>
If you had purchased $1000 of _at_home stock in 1999, today you would
have $1.30.  If you had purchased $1000 of beer in 1999, today you
would still have $59 in empty cans.
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