Re: FVWM: FVWM Buttons

From: Tenebrae <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 06:36:44 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Reuben D Budiardja wrote:

> 2. How can I make my own buttons (something like png or xpm file) and use it
> as FVWM buttons? I asked this long time ago, and someone suggested to read
> the manual, but I can't find the answer to this (or probably I just didn't
> really understand what I read).

I used a marble image from the gtk+ marble theme to make the background of
my buttons match:

# Pixmap on buttons to match marble GTK theme - MDM
*FvwmButtonsPixmap marble.xpm

I also had a friend of mine make a cute fish icon for xv and used Gimp to
make it transparent:

*FvwmButtons(Title xview, Icon xfish.xpm, \
             Action 'Exec "xv" xv &')

Oh, and I used The Gimp to convert both to .xpm while I was at it.

> I learned best probably by example, so if someone would like to send me
> example (or even rc files + screenshot off list), that'd be great too. I love
> FVWM because it's so configurable. Too bad I still have not mastered the
> config. I am using fvwm2-4.3

My crappy screenshot is up at:

This was when I was using FVWM 2.2.4, but it looks like this part still
works in 2.4.3.

I noticed Dominik's example from the FvwmButtons man page looks a bit
different from my old format:

*FvwmButtons: (Title Xcalc, Icon rcalc.xpm, \
                    Action `Exec "Calculator" xcalc &`)

vs. my entry:

*FvwmButtons(Title xcalc, Icon calculator.xpm, \
             Action 'Exec "Calculator" xcalc &')

Dominik et al, should I go through and add a colon to all my FvwmButtons
entries? It looks like it works now without them, and the man pages have
no comment on the mysterious colon apearance.
I also noticed the use of ` vs. ' which the man pages seem to indicate
doesn't really matter unless you're using a preprocessor like FvwmCpp
which I'm not so I should be fine with those...right?

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