Re: FVWM: About FvwmSaveDesk

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 13:21:30 +0000

On 13 Dec 2001 12:55:07 +0100, Hubert S. wrote:
> I have tried xsm. I did everything that should be
> done as explained in man xsm. fvwm loads, but it doesn't
> run InitFunction, so no modules are loaded automatically.

If you run modules in StartFunction (instead of duplicating them in both
InitFunction and RestartFunction) everything should work ok.

When a session manager is detected, SessionInitFunction is used, not
InitFunction, please read the man page. This is because InitFunction often
starts xterms, netscape and other apps that should be started by xsm now.

So I suggest (regardless of whether you use SM or not) to start all
FVWM modules from StartFunction that is introduced in fvwm-2.2.3.

> and when saving checkpoint in xsm I get many warnings about
> problems with saving some apps. only xman, xcalc and few
> others are saved well.
> I don't want to use gnome. fvwm2 is very fast and small
> and I like, I just want to save my sessions. how do You do
> that? do You use xsm? if you want to use gnome-session manager
> you have to run the BIG gnome, right?

gnome-session shows a flash screen, requires gnome-smproxy like xsm
requires smproxy, but it does not require any graphical apps to be run
(you may remove panel that it starts by default) or particular WM.
But, yes, you need most of GNOME libs and some apps to be installed.
You may run session-properties graphical tool from command line.

If you ask me, I like to have a static startup, i.e. the same apps to
appear every time, so I don't use a session manager.

Running under any session manager has its own advantages and
disadvantages. But you need it if you want real sessions, i.e. to start
X with applications that you left previously. FVWM does not handles apps.

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