Re: FVWM: FvwmTaskBar and WindowListSkip

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 08:44:37 +0100

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 11:07:19AM -0600, Tony J. White wrote:
> I just started using FvwmTaskBar and have noticed a small bug.
> I have the UseSkipList option set for the FvwmTaskBar. And have the Style
> for Fvwm* set to the WindowSkipList via:
> Style Fvwm* NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, HandleWidth 0
> I have 3 Panels that swallow other applications. These panels have the
> names "FvwmButtonsICQ-Panel", "FvwmButtonsXLoad-Panel", and "FvwmButtons-Panel".
> These panels start collapsed when fvwm is started. At that point, they
> don't show up in the FvwmTaskBar. As soon as they are UnCollapsed,
> (DeIconified I think), they show up in the FvwmTaskBar. When I Collapse
> the Panels again, they are removed from the FvwmTaskBar. At no point do
> the Panels show up in the WindowList.

Perhaps I can reproduce that with your config file.

> To see what I'm talking about, see
> I've looked at FvwmTaskBar.c and can't find anything obviously wrong there.
> I thought perhaps it's a Problem with DO_SKIP_WINDOW_LIST() or
> IsItemIndexSkipWindowList(), but then why does the WindowList behave correctly?
> Linux 2.4.13
> XFree86 4.1.0 (Xinerama)
> fvwm 2.4.3


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt, email:
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