FVWM: ManualPlacement w/Xinerama

From: Tony J. White <tjw_at_tjw.org>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 12:23:35 -0600 (CST)

Manual Placement wasn't working right for me with Xinerama. On Screen 0
(left) the rubber band of a new window would be correctly placed under
my mouse cursor. On Screen 1, the rubber band of a new window would be
placed on the next Desk to the right of Screen 1 (a.k.a off by one Screen).

I fixed the problem by changing line 822 of placment.c from:

FScreenGetScrRect(NULL, FSCREEN_GLOBAL, &mx, &my, NULL, NULL);


FScreenGetScrRect(NULL, FSCREEN_CURRENT, &mx, &my, NULL, NULL);

I haven't noticed any side effects yet, so possibly that's the way it was
meant to be.


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Received on Tue Nov 27 2001 - 12:18:01 GMT

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