Re: FVWM: Weird fvwm crash bug

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 08:55:14 -0500

Nix <> writes:
> On Sun, 4 Nov 2001, Marcus Lundblad uttered the following:
> >
> > On 3 Nov 2001, Nix wrote:
> >
> >> (This probably started happening somewhere in the 2.3.x range, but I
> >> jumped straight from 2.2.5 to 2.4.1. It still happens with 2.4.3.)
> >
> > I've also experianced similar things. Sometimes everything hangs when
> > switchning VC. And it happens that my X-Server crashes when trying to log
> > out from fvwm2.
> >
> > fvwm2 2.4.3 i686-pc-linux-gnu kernel 2.4.2-2, Xfree 4.0.3-5
> Well, it's nice to know I'm not on drugs, and that whatever it is it
> isn't remotely XFree86-version or kernel-version dependent. :)
> > I thought maybe it was a hardware problem, perhaps it wasn't...
> Doesn't look like it. Test it; stick something in your X startup files
> so you get an xterm before the wm starts and when you exit it, the wm
> starts up; you'll find you can switch VCs with that xterm running with
> impunity. But when fvwm starts, switching VCs is the kiss of death :(

A while back I had to debug a VC hanging problem with the S3 Savage4
card. I'm slightly familiar with what goes on when the VC is

I don't see how FVWM can be to blame. FVWM might be doing something
thats triggering the problem, like using a memory location on the
card or a feature that the Xterm or some other window manager
might not be using, but I think the problem is in the VC logic.

It was in my case.

If you can log into the machine while its hung, and attach dbx
to the xserver, that might point to the problem. It would have
in my case, except that I couldn't log in from anywhere else,
and had to debug the problem with lots of printfs and flushes.

Dan Espen
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