Re: FVWM: wait cursor

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 08:50:44 -0400

"Riswick, J.G.A. van" <> writes:
> >
> >Send your waitcursorshade pixmap if you still
> >have problems with it.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Mikhael.
> HI!
> I still have difficulty displaying the right cursor. To
> test the cursor commands, I made a .fvwm2rc with only
> these three lines:
> BusyCursor * True
> CursorStyle WAIT /home/jos/waitcursorshade.xpm white black
> CursorStyle ROOT /home/jos/waitcursorshade.xpm white black
> then on the root the cursor is displayed correctly, but
> when I start up netscape, or when netscape is looking for
> a www page, I still see a watch. Could it be that netscape
> displays it's own cursor, or that this has to be set in
> an xresources file? I'll include the xpm file below.


This is in my file:

! Mouse cursor when awaiting a reply.
*busyCursor: watch

FVWM only controls the cursors in the FVWM areas of the screen,
the menus, titlebars, frames, screen edges...

Dan Espen
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