Re: FVWM: WindowList: immediatly at second entry

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 13:30:08 +0000

On 14 Oct 2001 22:01:01 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2001 at 02:39:00PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> >
> > Dominik, do you think a new ReverseOrder option is useful in any real
> > situation? It seems too unintuitive for me. And making it a default
> > for Alt-Tab is more than questionable. At least the previous default
> > (without ReverseOrder) was totally intuitive.
> Actually, I found the old behaviour totally unintuitive and the
> new one much better. Not that I care much about that, I only
> thought it was closer to that M$ stuff.
> > I think the original request was to preserve the correct window
> > order, but start over the second menu entry.
> The old behaviour looked backwards through the window list. You
> could not walk through the list by pressing Alt-Tab repeatedly.
> Instead, focus was toggled between the current window and the last
> one that had the focus.

An additional Alt-Tab was the only difference from that MS stuff.
ReverseOrder didn't make it closer at all. It allows to walk through the
list by pressing a single Alt-Tab, but has a side effect that I called
unintuitive, it starts from the oldest visited window instead of the
most recent one.

I myself prefer the default in 2.4.0 over the MS stuff, i.e. it's ok that
the first Alt-Tab points to the already focused window not to the second
one, but I don't care as long as the list is recent-first (not reversed).

> > I.e. with this new
> > hypotetical option StartAtSecond the menu is:
> >
> > Title
> > Window 1 (window with the focus)
> > Window 2 (window that had the focus before window 1)
> > Window 3 (window that had the focus before window 2)
> > ...
> > Window n (window that had the focus before window n-1)
> >
> > But the first Alt-Tab points to the Window 2, the next Tab press points
> > to Window 3 and so on. This would mean enhancements to a menu code.
> Yes. I find this very confusing because the order of windows gets
> messed up each time I press Alt-Tab.

The chosen window jumps to the top of the list. With ReverseOrder the list
is reversed, so it jumps to the bottom, there is the same logical "mess".

> The idea of the new code was
> this: If I have some windows, then I can always switch from
> window A to window B by pressing Alt-Tab, say, n times. It does
> not matter if window C had the focus in between or D, E and F...

This may be used for switching between 2 applications, but there are
better solutions IMO for this than WindowList, for example:

  Key 1 A C Current SetEnv WID1 $$w
  Key 1 A M WindowListFunc $$[WID1]
  Key 2 A C Current SetEnv WID2 $$w
  Key 2 A M WindowListFunc $$[WID2]

No need to count or see a list of unrelevant windows, just one press to
bookmark a window and another to switch to it from anywhere.

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