FVWM: Screen shot

From: Glen Lee Edwards <glen_at_fcwm.org>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 23:40:16 -0500 (CDT)

I have another screen shot you can look at if you wish:


My .fvwm2rc configuration file is there also:


This setup uses a different decor for Xemacs than for the other windows. Both
the active and inactive window have their own distinct colors. The TitleBar on
all 3 windows has a cylindrical look. This is accomplished using the vgradient

The TitleBar buttons use vectors to create the images. Six I downloaded from the
Fvwm home site, four I created myself.

I make no guarantees that the .fvwm2rc configuration file is without errors. I
know it can be improved on. It works, so I'm happy!


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Received on Thu Oct 11 2001 - 23:39:47 BST

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