Re: FVWM: FWD: Re: [TAG] determining screen resolution

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 21:48:06 -0400

Glen Lee Edwards <> writes:
> Is there a way to mathmatically modify these values from within .fvwm2rc?
> If I
> use $[vp.width], the bar extends app 12p beyond the viewing range of my
> screen. I tried
> *MyBar2Geometry $[vp.width]-12x115+0-0
> and
> *MyBar2Geometry $[vp.width-12]x115+0-0
> but neither worked, instead moving the bar to the top of the screen (it's
> supposed to be on the bottom).

Use PipeRead to do arithmetic:

PipeRead 'echo "*MyBar2Geometry `expr $[vp.width] - 12`x115+0-0"'

(Warning, lightly tested.)

Dan Espen
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