Re: FVWM: Using Windows keys as modifiers

From: Klaus Zeitler <>
Date: 08 Oct 2001 09:43:53 +0200

>>>>> "Glen" == Glen Lee Edwards <> writes:
    Glen> Ionel,
    Glen> I tried that, and it worked in that it removed the listing from
    Glen> xmodmap. But Xemacs continued to kick out rather rude error
    Glen> messages about improper key bindings. The only way I could keep it
    Glen> happy was to go with the current setup; a pc101 keyboard, and then
    Glen> add in the other keys.
    Glen> The impression I was left with is that with a pc105 or microsoft
    Glen> keyboard, Xemacs binds Super_R and Hyper_R to mod3 even if they
    Glen> aren't explicitely put there by xmodmap.

This seems odd, about the only thing emacs is supposed to do with those
modifiers is making sure that a Meta key is present. But maybe Xemacs
does more fiddling with the keyboard (I'd surely hate that), can't tell cause
I use GNU emacs.

My guess is that you just picked the wrong pc105 keyboard. I think there
are quite a few that you could try with xkeycaps.

I'd also simply set my keyboard properly in my .xsession (or .xinitrc) file,
e.g. with something like

# try to adjust keyboard
if [ -f ~/.xmodmap-`hostname` ]
    /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-`hostname` &

The .xmodmap-... file is generated with the help of xkeycaps and then modified
a bit (especially the modifiers).



|  Klaus Zeitler      Lucent Technologies  |
|  Email:     |
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