Re: FVWM: fvwm2 and xlockmore

From: Rainer Koehler <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 15:48:19 -0700

Hi Neil,

> I am running Red Hat 7.1 with fvwm2 version 2.4.2 and xlockmore 4.17.2.
> I log into the server via xdmcp from a separate client computer acting
> as an X terminal. I find that xlock works fine when I invoke it from a
> kde session by pressing a button on the kiker panel but if I run fvwm2
> and type xlock at the command line I get the message
> xlock: can not lock foo's display
> although my DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set to foo:0.0
> where foo is the X client computer. Does anyone know why xlockmore
> is working under kde but not under fvwm2?

Try to run xlock on the computer acting as X-terminal, or use the
"-remote" option.

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