Re: FVWM: fvwm and multihead displays ?

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 11:50:29 +0200

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:45:28AM +0200, Markus Grunwald wrote:
> Hi !
> quite soon, I'm going to buy a new graphics card. The multihead
> capabilities of some cards seem interesting, but I wonder how I can use it
> with X, specially with fvwm2.
> What possibilies do I have ? Can I for example run one seperate fvwm-desk
> on each screen ?

First, you need an X server that supports multi head displays.
Most commercial UNIXes have one (but I can't tell you how to
configure it). XFree 4.x has multi head and Xinerama support
(you'll want the most recent version you can lay your hands on).

Second, you need a supported video card. If you intend to use two
video cards with XFree, there is or was a big problem in getting
the second card initialised (the BIOS does not do this). I tried
a number of different card and could run a dual screen setup only
with two Matrox cards. If you want to buy a single card with dual
monitor support this shouldn't be an issue.

Third, you have to decide wether to use Xinerama or traditional
dual screen. Xinerama treats both screens as a single big one and
fvwm manages both screens. Xinerama support is new in 2.4.1.
If you don't have Xinerama you have to use two screens. This
works basically the same, but you can't move windows between the
screens and have to start a separate fvwm on each screen (fvwm
does this by default if it detects multiple screens).


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt, email:
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