FVWM: newbie question

From: Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcã <tgakic_at_sg10.chem.tue.nl>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 23:03:03 +0200

Hi all,

I do have a question which I don't know if it is appropriate
to this list. I am sorry if not. I am not actually a newbie,
I use fvwm since 4.5 years.

I configured fvwm under Debian to execute some commands
from my ~/bin directory.

For example small scripts to open a xterm with a rlogin command:

========cut here=========
xhost +bambam.chem.tue.nl
/usr/bin/X11/xterm -bg darkcyan -fg lightyellow -bd blue -cr magenta -sb -sl 1500 -j -ls -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-16" -name POªTA -title POªTA -e rlogin -8 -l tgakic bambam.chem.tue.nl &
========cut here=========

In my ~/.fvwm/main-menu.hook I have:

========cut here=========
AddToMenu "/Debian/Hosts" "Hosts%mini-telnet.xpm%" Title
+ "e-mail%mini-mail.xpm%" Exec exec ~/bin/mail
========cut here=========

When I click with the mouse on the "e-mail" I get my xterm running rlogin.
The same is happening when I simply call the script from an open xterm.

But they don't behave the same. My question is why? Two differences are
important. The name of the xterm is not the same. The one called from the
fvwm menu is OK and the other called from a xterm show a square made from
dashed lines, a minus, a capital B and then the 8bit character. This is
the same for any 8bit character.

The second difference is that in the xterm opened from the fvwm menu
the input of 8 bit characters are OK, while in the other one only few
are accepted. Example î and â are accepted in both, while ã, þ or º
are silently ignored. î and â are common in between latin1, latin2
and latin10, ã, þ or º are not.

I think that somehow the commands executed via the fvwm menu have a
different environment or something. I can't explain why this is
happening. Can someone gave me a hint in which direction to look for
an answer.

Thank you,


P.S. This is not new, it is happening since a while. I run
"Fvwm Version 2.2.5 compiled on Jul 23 2001 at 09:35:46"
on Debian woody, 2.2.19 kernel.
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