FVWM: Re: Statement on today's terrorist attack in the USA

From: Dominik Vogt <dominik.vogt_at_gmx.de>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 19:15:50 +0200

At the moment, I have collected 41 names on my list with more
being added every hour. I wish to thank everybody for your

I will collect more names at least until the end of the week, and
of course being an fvwm developer or user is no prerequisite to be
added to the list. So if your friends or family want to express
their feelings in this way, do not hesitate to contact me.

This is the latest version of the dedication message:

  This release is dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attacks
  in New York, Washington D.C. and Pittsburgh on 11th of September,
  2001. The following people, many of them users or developers of
  fvwm, would like to express their sympathies to those affected:

    <alphabetical list of names>

  and many other human beings who cannot believe one can do such
  horrors and who feel so painful for the innocents that suffered
  then and for those that still suffer.

On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 11:06:42PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> Today, many innocent lifes were ended forcefully by the savage
> terrorist attacks in New York, Washington D.C and Pittsburgh.
> peaking not only for myself but for the users and developers of
> fvwm, I wish to express the deepest sympathy with all victims,
> their beraved families, and all others who are affected. Nothing
> can ever justify these atrocities.
> I plan to dedicate the upcoming fvwm-2.4.1 release to the victims
> of this disaster. The following text will be included in the
> ANNOUNCE mail for the release, followed by the names of everybody
> who wants to be included:
> This release is dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attacks
> in New York, Washington D.C and Pittsburgh on 11th of September,
> 2001.
> <alphabetical list of names>
> and all other users and developers of fvwm.
> I ask everybody to allow me to add his or her name to the list.
> Please reply to me or fvwm-workers_at_fvwm.org if I may do so.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt, dominik.vogt_at_gmx.de
Reply-To: dominik.vogt_at_gmx.de
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