Re: FVWM: [themes] can't open DISPLAY

From: Jason Kibblewhite <>
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 16:44:50 -0600

On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 10:50:47PM +0000, Nikolaj G. wrote:
> export DISPLAY=
> export DISPLAY=
> export DISPLAY=localhost:0
> export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
> [FVWM][main]: <<error>> Can't open DISPLAY

Frankly Alex I'm ashamed at you replying to this lad and not only giving
advice that clearly doesn't work but not actually seeing the problem
that he is running fvwm-themes-start and not startx as he is supposed
to. You've hung out in #linuxhelp long enough you pick up on things
like this right away :).

Anyway the the problem is that the script fvwm-themes-start doesn't
actually start up X which it is trying to connect to, you have to start
up X then start fvwm and all it's tools, simplest way to do that is
place fvwm-themes-start in a file in your home dir called .xinitrc,
something like pico ~/.xinitrc will open it, then place

exec fvwm-themes-start

and when you type startx it should run

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Received on Sun Sep 02 2001 - 17:49:03 BST

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