Re: FVWM: syntax check

From: Erik Steffl <>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 19:50:44 -0700

Randy Bush wrote:
> >> how do i get fvwm2 to syntax check my .fvwm2rc and tell me of any errors?
> > run fvwm and see what it tells you.
> i have no fvwm executable. i do have fvwm2, and it does not put anything
> to stderr or stdout. and i can't believe my config is error-free.

  ok, whatever the name is called, sometime the version 2.x is called
fvwm2. Dan already posted how to produce error...

> > you don't have to change your default config, just run another X server
> > (with no WM) or run vnc server or something like that (X nested - can that
> > e used?)
> you lost me with this stuff.

  if you want to do some more dangerous config tricks and do not want to
do it in the 'live' environment it is usefull to open another X server
and run another fvwm there, that way your environment is untouched.

  easy way (on linux):

  start new X server:

  X :1

  it is probably on vt8 (ctrl-alt-F8), or whatever first free virtual
terminal is. Now switch back to where you started X server (ctrl-alt-Fn
(one of the functions keys) and type:

  ctrl-z (to put X server to background)
  bg (so that it actually runs in background)
  xterm -display 1

  and switch back to X server, you will see xterm (no window
decorations), move mouse to xterm, or even click on it (it should have
focus) and run fvwm2 from there, you should see all the messages right
on the screen and fvwm2 should start to manage the display.

  to kill X server hit ctrl-alt-backspace (if you had X server running
before it is still running, probably on ctrl-alt-F7)

  of course, you can use some other file instead of default config file
(again, so that you do not break your normal working environment), just
use -f command line option.

  hope this helps. It's probably overkill in your situation though...

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