Re: FVWM: transient windows

From: Jochen Klenner <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 13:53:52 +0200 (MEST)

Problem solved!

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> It seems that there is a logical error in your configuration. I.e. your
> Iconify button is number 6, Maximize is number 4, but you have (I guess):
> ButtonStyle 2 MWMDecorMax # instead of 4
> ButtonStyle 4 MWMDecorMin # instead of 6
> This may explain why you remain with Iconify button instead of Close one.

I had
Style "*" MWMFunctions
Style "*" HintOverride
Style "*" MWMDecor
in my .fvwm2rc, but no MWMDecorMin, MWMDecorMax etc. assigned to buttons.
So Fvwm fell back to its defaults.

When I added the two lines above (and also ButtonStyle 1 - MwmDecorMenu),
I got no buttons whatsoever on the right side of those windows, only
button 1 was still there. I added the line

ButtonStyle 2 - Clear

and the close button appeared. Seems as if Fvwm kept the default flag for
button 2.

> And finally, transient windows should be shown in WindowList like all
> other windows. Do you have WindowListSkip for window names in question?

I guess the assumption that these windows are transients was an error on
my side. I was misled by the fact that they actually don't show a title
bar, if my .fvwm2rc lacks a 'DecorateTransients'.
I don't have a 'WindowListSkip' for these windows, this behavior seems to
be based on a different mechanism. No problem, it is ok that way.

By the way, this program has an excellent support.
Thanks again for the help!


Jochen Klenner

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