FVWM: Maximum Window Size

From: Sergio Nasi <sna_at_mediacom.it>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 18:42:26 +0200

Hello together,
I'm new to this pretty intriguing WM.

I'm tinkering with the configuration file and I have a question for you:
I configured FvwmButton region at the top of the screen having the
StaysOnTop property and I'd like to have all the windows use only the
region of the screen not covered by the FvwmButtons module.

Now, if I maximize the windows, the title bar falls under the button region
and it is unaccessible, so that I always have to move each window down and
resize it.

Is there a way to specify a Style for this? Or using the X resources is the
only solution?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Sergio Nasi

Version: 3.12
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Received on Sun Jul 01 2001 - 11:43:46 BST

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