FVWM: Upgraded to 2.3.28, but.................

From: n6tadam <n6tadam_at_users.purbeck.dorset.sch.uk>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 09:05:09 +0100

Dear List,

I have some good news!! Over the weekend, I upgraded by version of fvwm2
(version 2.2.2), to fvwm2 (version 2.3.28). I am finding the upgrade well
worth the experience. I still maintain that fvwm2 is the best window manager

However, I am finding that I am missing two things, which although trivial,
is annoying me :-)

I installed version 2.3.28 without touching the Makefile, except giving it
the once over, just to make sure that the path's were ok. So, all the files
have been installed in their default place.

The only thing I have changed, is the variable "ModulePath", in the per user
file ".fvwm2rc.m4" (I am still using AnotherLevel -- Lestiff style). I
changed the variable from the following:

ModulePath /usr/X11/lib/X11/fvwm2

to the following:

ModulePath /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.3.28

(I assume that is what I am supposed to do??)

The two problems that I am having, is that before I upgraded, when the WM
was loading, a round circle (referred to as "Dot") used to indicate that
various things were loading. Now, that I have upgraded, this round circle
has been replaced by a watch. How do I get the circle back???

Secondly, how do I get rid of the horizontal lines that appear on sticky
windows, AFTER the window has been iconified?? Before, sticky windows that
were iconified, never had the lines, but now they do.

Any help you can offer is very much appreciated.

On a completely separate issue, is there a way I can contribute to Fvwm2. I
know that I am not exactly fluent with the customisations of fvwm2 (it is
still early days yet!), but I just wanted to help you in some way. You have
all been very patient with my "demands", and I just feel that I would like
to help :-).


Thomas Adam

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