FVWM: Sticky Windows.....

From: n6tadam <n6tadam_at_users.purbeck.dorset.sch.uk>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 13:09:40 +0100

Dear List,

A couple of months ago, you were all really helpful, in helping me configure
AnotherLevel (Lestiff WM). I am greatful for that......

I have another question for you. I have two sticky windows, at the bottom of
my screen. They are sticky so that when I flip from page to page, they
follow me. Now, unfortunately, I can only run 800x600, and I find that most
of my windows, lap over the sticky ones. So, is there a way, so that if
these windows, overlap the sticky ones, that the sticky ones will "unstick"
themselves, thus freeing up my monitor space??

Your help, is once again appreciated.


Thomas Adam

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