FVWM: is this a bug: what happened?

From: Neil Zanella <nzanella_at_cs.mun.ca>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 11:42:56 -0230 (NDT)


I was working on my remote PC's hard drive which happened to be running
fvwm2. Suddenly I could not ping my computer. When I walked to the remote
computer the network connection was OK but instead of X I found the
following messages on the text console. I don't know if these will be
any useful but just in case here they are (fvwm version 2.3.32).
By the way what is MFT? Thanks!

find_context: bad context or modifier c
find_context: bad context or modifier l
find_context: bad context or modifier c
find_context: bad context or modifier k
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: <<WARNING>> Illegal context in line F6 FakeClick release3

find_context: bad context or modifier r
find_context: bad context or modifier e
find_context: bad context or modifier e
find_context: bad context or modifier e
[FVWM][ParseBinding]: <<WARNING>> Illegal modifier in line F6 FakeClick release3

[FVWM][ParseBinding]: <<WARNING>> Binding specified AnyModifier and other modifers too. Excess modifiers will be ignored.
/usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.3.32/FvwmEvent: error in loading shared libraries: librplay.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#C0C0C0"
    Cannot allocate colormap entry for default background

waiting for X server to shut down xterm: fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) or KillClient on X server

[nzanella_at_tulip nzanella]$ Trying to open MFT
Trying to open MFT
010528 02:55:44 mysqld ended

Trying to open MFT
Trying to open MFT
Trying to open MFT
Trying to open MFT
Trying to open MFT
Trying to open MFT
Trying to open MFT

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