Re: FVWM: stupid problem with new windows ...

From: Larry Gensch <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 08:41:13 -0400 (EDT)

On 23 May, Andre Bonhote wrote:

>> AddToFunc TermFunc
>> + I exec xterm
>> + I wait xterm
>> + I next (xterm) warptowindow 5p 5p
> thanks dominik. this works fine for my key binding. i also have a call
> for this function in my root menu. and there something quite strange
> happens: sometimes it opens the window properly, then warps to a
> completely different page to another xterm window ...
> this doesn't make any sense to me ...

Ahhh. I've seen this sort of thing myself.

You could try changing "next" to "current" in the last line, but that
will only work if you have your focus settings such that new windows
automatically get the focus, and you don't have modules (eg, FvwmEvent
or FvwmAuto) changing the focus in the midst of the execution of a

The best solution would be to have the "Wait" command reset the $w
parameter in its enclosing function to the window ID that it found.
Then you could change "(xterm)" in the last line to "($w)." This
shouldn't be difficult to code or document, but fvwm2.3.x is in
feature freeze right now.

Larry Gensch                                
            Working for COMPAQ for over a twentieth of a century
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