FVWM: simple (?) questions

From: Leonardo Machado da Rosa <leorosa_at_magali.feq.unicamp.br>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 20:51:25 -0300 (EST)

Hi there

First, i'd like to say that FVWM is the best window manager (to me), no
other are so configurable... and FAST!!!

Well, i have two questions to ask:

1 - fvwm will have support to 'declare internal variables' - i.e., like in
a shell script, i would say "set color1 white" in the beginning of fvwm2rc
and use $color1 in the following commands.. or declare "set shell
rxvt" to use "exec $shell..." (without fvwmcpp or fvwmm4) ??

2 - i'm writting a program using tcl/tk, and i'd like to access, form it,
functions of fvwm - like 'click in a button and open a fvwm's menu, or
change the screen'... - it's possible ???
(you know, everybody wants a personal 'panel cde-like'... i'm writting it
on tk...)

        Leonardo Rosa

 Nao Seja Pirata. Seja Livre!

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