Re: FVWM: Debug option

From: Fuzzy Fox <>
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:22:18 -0600

Subba Rao <> wrote:
> I login via XDM and not through startx. In this case, where do I pipe
> the log messages?

Debug output of an XDM session is usually automatically sent to a file
called $HOME/.xsession-errors. Check and see if that file exists; it
should have any error messages from client startup and running clients
in the current session. But if you log out of X and go back in, the log
will be lost.

-- (Fuzzy Fox)     || "Good judgment comes from experience.
sometimes known as David DeSimone  ||  Experience comes from bad judgment."      ||                 -- Life Lessons
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Received on Fri Dec 31 1999 - 12:24:16 GMT

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