FVWM: raising windows

From: Werner LEMBERG <sx0005_at_sx2.HRZ.Uni-Dortmund.DE>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 13:55:31 GMT

Something which seems to be fuzzy in fvwm2.man (of version 2.2.4):

The description of `Focus' says, among others: `Raises the window if
needed to make it visible'. What means `if needed'? Does it mean
that the window which gets the focus is automatically raised if it is
completely hidden? Or does it mean that the necessity is triggered
externally, e.g. by the FvwmAuto module? If the former is the correct
description, it doesn't work as expected, at least not with key
assignments like

  Key Left A 4 Direction West Focus

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Received on Thu Dec 23 1999 - 12:36:08 GMT

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